Statement Regarding Company Policy on Gratuities, Incentives, or Inducements in Any Form

Jul 21, 2023 | company policy

Statement Regarding Company Policy on Gratuities,
Incentives, or Inducements in Any Form

To all Techenomics employees,
The board and management of Techenomics would like to remind you about our company’s policy that strictly prohibits giving or receiving gratuities, incentives, or inducements in any form, whether directly or indirectly. We emphasize our commitment to maintaining high integrity and business ethics in all aspects of our operations.

Gratuities, incentives, or inducements in any form can create conflicts of interest and undermine trust and the company’s reputation. We believe that every employee should act professionally, fairly, and honestly in carrying out their duties, without influencing their decisions or actions for personal reasons or personal gain.

We request that you refrain from engaging in the practice of giving or receiving gratuities, incentives, or inducements in any form from external parties, including customers, suppliers, business partners, or anyone associated with the company. In situations where you feel pressured or confronted with such offers, please report it immediately to your immediate supervisor or the human resources department.

Our company strictly enforces this policy and takes decisive steps to address violations involving gratuities, incentives, or inducements in any form. Violations of this policy may result in serious consequences, including disciplinary action, termination, or legal action.

We appreciate your hard work and dedication in carrying out your duties and responsibilities with integrity. Please remember that your actions impact the company’s reputation and image. Together, we can build a professional, fair, and ethical work environment.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Chris Adsett
Chief Executive Officer
Techenomics International Pty Ltd

For more information about Techenomics International contact Chris Adsett,; in Indonesia Freddy,; in South East Asia Siti,, in Mongolia Tumee,, or Otgoo,, in Australia Jason Davis,; in Africa Chris Adsett, or for Liquid Tungsten globally Chris Adsett,

Company Statement on Gratuities – click here to download this release as a pdf file


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