Search, view and trend fuel analysis results with Blue Oceans

Dec 11, 2022 | Blue Oceans, fuel analysis

Search, view and trend fuel analysis results with Blue Oceans

Techenomics’ online software package supports the optimisation of fuel effectiveness
Techenomics condition monitoring software package Blue Oceans not only enables users to search, view and trend oil analysis results online, it also includes a module that provides the same capabilities for fuel analysis.

With high fuel prices the norm rather than the exception, it has never been more important to optimise fuel effectiveness, which Techenomics’ fluid management solutions entail.

It is also important to have the results of fuel testing available in a quick and easy to use manner in order to maximise the operational capabilities of fuel, which the Blue Oceans fuel module provides, as well as the trending patterns to determine a maintenance schedule.

Techenomics CEO Chris Adsett said: “The analytical evaluation of your fuel’s quality, cleanliness and physical properties are clearly reported in a user-friendly manner with Blue Oceans.

“This enables planners and maintenance staff to quickly and precisely make decisions based on the analysis and interpretation of the results.”

Fuel analysis is carried out on diesel, petrol and biodegradable fuels to ensure that when the fuel is burnt in the combustion process it will not be compromised by any contaminants, bugs, fungal growth, water or other physical compositions that my harm or potentially decrease an engine’s lifespan.

The Blue Oceans fuel module allows users to quickly find results by searching multiple selections. The searching functions have been created to speed up the process when looking for historical information, which is particularly important when established trends. Below is an example:

Blue Oceans fuel analysis

Chris Adsett said the fuel report itself was simple and easy to use, making it an effective tool for any maintenance program.

“It provides users with the capabilities to see and trend previous results and to monitor large bulk tanks and deliveries to ensure that the quality of fuel is consistent and maintained.

“Bulk tanks should be regularly sampled and analysed to ensure that water contamination, bacterial growth, fungal growth and oxidization is not occurring, especially with fuel that is left dormant for a while.

“Another good reason to check fuel received from your supplier for quality is the high costs – at such a high price, you need to ensure you are getting quality fuel that will have complete combustion and not leave a build-up of deposits that may cause harm,” he added.

Below is an example of a fuel analysis report generated by Blue Oceans:

For further details on Blue Oceans and the fuel analysis module, please contact your nearest Techenomics branch –

For more information about Techenomics International contact Chris Adsett,; in Indonesia Freddy,; in South East Asia Siti,, in Mongolia Tumee,, or Otgoo,, in Australia Jason Davis,; in Newman Kiky,; in Africa Chris Adsett, or for Liquid Tungsten globally Chris Adsett,

Blue Oceans fuel analysis – click here to download this release as a pdf file

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