Capabilities of liquid tungsten “seem endless”

Jun 21, 2020 | liquid tungsten, nano additives, nano technology, nano tungsten disulfide, News

Capabilities of liquid tungsten “seem endless”

Techenomics, which is distributing liquid tungsten IFWS2 products, will feature in World Mining Magazine
The proven benefits of Techenomics’ total fluid management services for engines and mechanical equipment are extended through the use of IFWS2 (inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide) nano additives in lubricants.

Added to a lubricant, the liquid tungsten nano particles roll between the metal surfaces of engines, components and hydraulic equipment like tiny ball bearings, reducing friction by up to 30 per cent. The resulting lower operating temperatures lead to lower wear, longer component life and reduced  maintenance, which allows for lower fuel consumption, extended oil life and greater productivity while also having the added advantage of lower emissions.

As a distributor of the product NIS-developed product throughout its network and exclusive distributor to the mining industry, Techenomics is undertaking ongoing tests and trials to demonstrate where the capabilities end, with the company’s Australian Operations Manager Jason Davis saying “so far, they seem endless”.

capabilities of liquid tungsten

In a World Mining Magazine article, editor Martin Ashcroft outlines the components that make Techenomics tick, including IFWS2. He interviewed Jason Davis and CEO Chris Adsett, asking them how the company helps customers extend the life and improve the efficiency of their equipment.

“The idea of the liquid tungsten is that you put it into the lubricant and it reduces the friction within the component by coating the metal surfaces and ensuring they don’t come into contact with each other,” Davis said.

“In our results we can actually see the iron drop a minimum of about 25 per cent. Some of our customers have temperature sensors on their equipment, and after the liquid tungsten has been added, the temperature drops by around 18 per cent,” he added.

Ashcroft wrote: “Followers of Formula One may remember advertising for a similar lubricant last season, manufactured by a German company. The additive in that case was molybdenum disulphide (MOS2), abbreviated to liquid moly.”

Adsett explained: “Molybdenum and tungsten are somewhat similar, except that tungsten is a superior material in terms of heat transfer and metal wear.

“It’s suitable for a large mine truck engine, it’s suitable for gearboxes, it’s suitable for the crushing circuit, for power station gearboxes, all sorts of things where you have lubricants, where there’s a level of wear, where you can reduce the wear, reduce the temperature.”

The CEO concluded: “Oil lasts longer, components last longer and you reduce costs.”


For more information about Techenomics International visit or contact Chris Adsett,; in Indonesia Freddy,; in South East Asia Siti,, in Mongolia Tumee,, in Australia Jason Davis,, or in Africa Chris Adsett,

 Capabilities of liquid tungsten – click here to download this release

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