Techenomics helps keep diesel locos on the tracks

Feb 21, 2017 | locomotive oil analysis, Locomotive Testing

Techenomics helps keep diesel locos on the tracks

Techenomics helps keep diesel locomotives on the tracks through its oil analysis services. Regular, reliable and accurate oil analysis is an important component of a preventative maintenance program as through it Techenomics can predict issues with engines or components before they arise.

A particular issue for diesel locomotives is the leaking of fuel or coolant and the consequences can put locos out of action, causing loss of productivity. If the concentration of fuel in the sump gets too high, the engine can explode.

Techenomics puts its independent expertise of lubricant management to use in locomotive fleets in Australia and Mongolia, helping operators keep locos running better for longer.

This is relevant for locos of any age – for the newer locos used in Australia as well as the older models in Mongolia. In fact, Techenomics also supports the maintenance of a number of vintage machines used by heritage rail groups.
Techenomics CEO Chris Adsett says, “We are constantly working on better analytical tools and have studied fuel contamination in locomotive engines in particular, with focus on viscosity and oil flash point to provide indicators of fuel dilution.”

locomotive oil analysis

He says many rail operators rely solely on changes in viscosity to determine if there are fuel leaks but this is unreliable because the oil’s age can impact readings. Standard tables of fuel dilution versus viscosity are established for virgin or new oil but the ratios are different for used oil.

“Fleet operators and maintenance teams need to understand the results that levels of changes in viscosity can generate. Techenomics has experience in this area and can help provide solutions to enable efficient operating of diesel locos.”

Oil analysis can determine the severity of coolant leaks into the internal workings of engines. Chris Adsett says rate of change and absolute values need to be considered to determine severity. “Actions need to be equipment or class specific as different engines respond differently to leaks and repair methods.”

He says another issue can be the presence of wear metals and the impacts of these elements must be understood. “Techenomics can develop specific actions or inspections based on the wear metals identified where they are above alarm levels.”

Experienced railway rolling stock engineer Brian Brooks, who is involved in restoration of a diesel electric rail motor, says effective oil analysis can save operators significant amounts of time and money by reducing costly repairs and downtime.

He says the service provided by Techenomics is appreciated owing to the accuracy of the data, the user-friendly and easy-to-read manner in which it is presented, the trending capability, and the recommendations that indicate instantly what you need to be looking at to tackle any issues before they result in costly repairs or even failure.

“A new EMD engine costs around $1 million so it makes a lot of sense to get the best value for money you can from this investment, and effective oil analysis plays a major role in ensuring this.

“The cost is chicken feed compared to the cost of repairs or replacement, and this doesn’t include the cost of downtime while repairs are carried out. If you have a loco out of commission, you are losing a huge amount of revenue, even if it is only a day or two,”

“The fact that Techenomics specialises in this field, utilises state-of-the-art technology and appropriately trained staff ensures that operators always receive the right advice,” he adds.

For further information about Techenomics contact Chris Adsett,; in Mongolia Sugraa,; in Indonesia Teguh,; in Singapore Siti,; or in Australia Leo Valenz,

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