Stability important for Mongolia

Aug 24, 2016 | Techenomics Mongolia

Stability important for Mongolia

Voice of private business must be heeded

chris-adsett-ceoIt is important for Mongolia’s ongoing development that the call by the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) for stability is heeded by the government, according to Techenomics, which says that without stability it will be difficult for businesses to move ahead for the benefit of the entire country.

“In order to get the best from the private sector, BCM’s message to the country’s new government is to maintain stability, improve capacity and provide an environment that is conducive for business. If these principles are included in the new Government Action Plan as well as the Prime Minister’s Special Plan to Mitigate Economic Hardship, Mongolia will achieve its goals sooner rather than later,” Techenomics Mongolia CEO Chris Adsett says.

With Mongolia’s abundance of mineral resources, progressive business and industry, a supportive government, and, most importantly, its dedicated, enthusiastic, talented and hard-working people, the country has a very bright future. Techenomics is dedicated to helping Mongolia continue developing through its innovative fluid management and condition monitoring services.

bcmTechenomics Mongolia CEO Chris Adsett says developing in a sustainable way that benefits the entire country is a tricky balancing act, and one that has its ups and downs, as evidenced by Mongolia’s development in the last decade. “Mistakes have been made, and will continue to be made, but it is important for the country’s future that lessons are learned from these mistakes and that everyone works together for the benefit of all Mongolians.”

Chris Adsett says that as a BCM member, Techenomics supports the organisation’s efforts to provide a strong, unified voice for private business in the country’s future development.

“Private business is the engine room of development – supporting employment generation, providing facilities and services, building and running new mines, and helping keep people fed, clothed, housed and healthy. As such, the private sector’s input into development of government policies is vital and the BCM is playing an important role in getting the message across to elected members and government officials.

“Techenomics has great faith in the future of Mongolia and is committed to playing a role in keeping mining and industry running more productively through its total fluid management solutions available by way of its Mongolian facilities staffed by a committed team of talented locals.

“We will also continue to cooperate with the BCM and work with other private businesses operating in the ever-changing, but exciting, environment that is Mongolia,” Chris Adsett concludes.

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