Techenomics’ independence ensures maximum benefit

May 20, 2016 | fluid analysis, fluid management, mining industry

Techenomics’ independence ensures maximum benefit

chris-adsett-ceoThe independent expertise offered by specialist fluid management and condition monitoring provider Techenomics enables equipment operators to obtain maximum benefits from this vital predictive maintenance process.

“The total independence of Techenomics ensures operators receive expert oil and fluid analysis and advice to benefit them and only them,” according to the company’s CEO Chris Adsett.
“Fluid management services provided by OEMs are also aimed at benefiting the OEM and therefore can never be termed independent.”

The difficult times being experienced by the mining industry mean that companies are striving to obtain maximum productivity from all operational aspects in the most cost-effective manner. This optimisation process includes maintenance.

Chris Adsett says, “Far too many companies involved in the mining industry are expecting to achieve greater productivity by doing things the same way that they have always been done. Many are not prepared to move out of the comfort zone they had during the boom times but this is counter-productive and will only lead to failure.

fluid management

“In order to survive the downturn and move into the next upturn in a positive way, it is important that companies focus on the future, look outside the box, integrate innovation and do things differently,” he points out.

Fluid management

Techenomics provides independent condition monitoring and fluid management services that predict maintenance issues before they lead to downtime, costly repairs or even component failure.

“As an independent specialist in fluid management we are committed to doing our utmost to ensure the best outcome for customers, with no third party links to OEMs or other providers to compromise our service and advice,” Chris Adsett says.


Techenomics has a network of fully accredited laboratories in the mining strongholds of Australia, South East Asia and North Asia and these are equipped with state-of-the-art testing and analysis equipment, operated by fully qualified staff. Analysis data is collected and trends compiled using accurate software. Data is then presented in an easy-to-read form along with independent recommendations enabling customers to make the decisions best suited to their individual circumstances.

As part of the total fluid management service, Techenomics staff are also only too happy to visit operators on-site to assist with testing, to present analysis results or to offer recommendations on the best solutions to suit each client’s unique operating environment and circumstances.

“The fluid management services provided by OEMs are a minor component of their package but as an independent specialist in the field only Techenomics can provide the expert service that directly benefits the operator with no other agendas,” Chris Adsett concludes.

For more information about Techenomics contact Chris Adsett,; in Australia Leo Valenz,; or in Mongolia Sugraa, (

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