Innovative and unique Techenomics solutions
No one mining operation or industrial application is the same as another which means that the ‘one size fits all’ philosophy does not work. Unique, innovative solutions must be found to optimise benefits and productivity at individual sites.
Techenomics International provides expert oil analysis and fluid management services in various ways for customers operating in contrasting mining and industrial applications in a wide range of locations in different countries.
Incomparable climatic, topographical and environmental factors influence regular, year-round operations in these locations.
From the frozen tundra of Mongolia, to the heat and dust of Australia and steamy tropical jungles of South East Asia, Techenomics adapts its solutions to match each customer’s unique situation.
Each application requires the use of innovative methods to arrive at the optimal solution, providing customers with the answers to condition monitoring issues and problems before they arise, thereby reducing maintenance downtime, increasing productivity and providing value for money.
Techenomics’ CEO Chris Adsett says the company is able to do this through its extensive experience, attention to detail, use of expert local staff who know and understand the unique operating conditions, and state-of-the-art condition monitoring technology.
“Staff members examine each situation carefully, a process that involves visiting the site and gaining a thorough understanding of the operating practices that make it unique.
“Wherever customers are located, our entire team is committed to listening to their unique issues, understanding their unique situations and finding the right solutions.”
Recent feedback from Techenomics’ clients in Indonesia indicates the importance of utilising innovative condition monitoring techniques to effectively manage lubrication issues.
One client says, “Our biggest problem caused by poor lubricating is unpredictable failure. Through Techenomics we can monitor the condition of machines based on information from oil analysis, including wear condition, additives, contamination (from outside or inside) and the benefits of using the correct type of oil to match the operation. Based on information from oil analysis we can save money from repairing the unpredictable failure. We can use the report to prepare a schedule for our machines based on oil condition.”
Another says, “Our biggest problem in combating poor oil management is reducing the life of our components (premature failure) which directly impacts our costs. By managing our oil and by planning and re-creating strategy component replacement based on oil sample condition we have significantly increased component life.”
A client in Laos provided the following feedback: “Poor lubrication causes unbudgeted component failure which affects our operation costs.”
Chris Adsett says, “At all times we care about our customers and their businesses and we aim to provide innovative solutions to help them operate more efficiently.”
To get more information about Techenomics, please contact Chris Adsett, email : or Sam, email :
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