Rachmad Zulkurnain to reorganize Techenomics information technology services

Feb 18, 2015 | condition monitoring, information technology, Techenomics Indonesia

Greater emphasis on IT at Techenomics

Fluid management solutions provider Techenomics International has appointed Rachmad Zulkurnain to reorganize its information technology (IT) services and related software platforms.

In the new role Rachmad, who has been working with Techenomics for five years, will manage further development of Blue Oceans, the company’s maintenance management software program, and will also ensure the integration of new and advanced technology into the business.

Techenomics’ CEO Chris Adsett said the aim of the appointment was to ensure the integration of improved technology to better service new and existing customers. “We are pleased with this appointment as Rachmad is a young, dynamic and developing employee for the key position of managing IT development.

Techenomics International is an independent, multi-national company providing oil analysis, mining services and controlled maintenance services across Australia, Indonesia, South East Asia, East Africa, Turkey and Northern Asia. The company’s core business is providing solutions to keep oil clean, test its performance and provide condition monitoring outcomes through oil analysis and filtration programs.

Techenomics provides oil analysis, fuel analysis, coolant analysis, lubrication and filtration solutions for fixed plant, mobile plant and offshore installations internationally.

Chris Adsett said the new appointment was an example of Techenomics’ commitment to support customer needs. “We are continually looking for ways to improve services.”

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