Greater Customer Focus and New Products Key in 2015
I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank our staff, their families, customers, suppliers and friends for your ongoing support of Techenomics throughout 2014.
We at Techenomics are optimistic for 2015. We have some exciting plans in place that will see us develop new markets and provide greater services over a wider geographical region, while still maintaining our uniqueness in the market – something we are very proud of. We are different and our customer focus is genuine.
Our focus will continue to be identical to yours, our customers – we will still aim to reduce your costs and improve your reliability. We don’t sell spare parts and we don’t profit from your equipment failure.
In 2015 Techenomics aims to create new ways to achieve better and more cost effective ways of doing business and generating greater value for our customers.
We want to get to know you, our customers better. We will ask you more questions, listen and respond.
We want to identify your concerns and problems on the workshop floor and in the planner’s office. We want to increase reliability for the whole maintenance team and provide better availability for the production department.
We want to lower costs for the all our customers in mining, power generation, rail and offshore.
2015 will be a year of identifying all of these issues and working with the market place to put strategies in place to solve the customer’s problems – from the shop floor to the board room.
We have recently established new business relationships and committed to additional testing equipment and look forward to working with you all in 2015.
Please give me a call so that we can discuss your issues and problems.
Chris Adsett, CEO, Techenomics
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For more information, contact Chris Adsett, email:
For media enquiries please contact Brooke Tolar, DragonFly Public Relations on T: 0411 553 246 or