Meet the Techenomics Worldwide Team! – Interview #9
Techenomics have put together a ‘Leaders Series’ which is a range of interviews with Techenomics many leaders in Condition Monitoring. We hope you enjoy reading our interviews and they help you gain a greater in-depth understanding of condition monitoring and you get to know more about our staff.
The next interview in the ‘Leader Series’ is with Mr. Darmawan Nugroho, Failure Analysis for PT. Tekenomiks Indonesia conducted in Balikpapan.
Q: What is your main job in PT Tekenomiks Indonesia?
A: My job is to interpret oil lab analysis results and to provide official recommendations to customers.
Q: Can you please explain what Failure Analysis is?
A: Failure Analysis is collecting objective data that can be used as a basic to determine root cause failure of equipment.
Q: Do you need a special educational background to work in Failure Analysis?
A: There is no formal education required to work in failure analysis, but you must have a basic knowledge about machinery and its operations and it’s important that you have a strong ability to be able to read the data which leads to the root cause.
Q: Have you ever faced any complaints from customers regarding your comments? If so how do you handle that?
A: Customers don’t really complain but some want verification of the results and recommendations. Sometimes customers request more detailed information and want to discuss our recommendations, especially with critical equipment, as they want to ensure they are making the right decision to get the correct action.
Q: Do you enjoy working with PT Tekenomiks Indonesia?
A: I’m very happy and really enjoy being part of the PT Tekenomiks Indonesia team especially as a Failure Analysis.
A: Absolutely. With Failure Analysis we have no limit to helping customers solve their problems and find the root cause so that productivity can be improved, and therefore help the customer reduce their costs.
Q: Any tips that you can share with us for Failure Analysis?
A: Always find the root cause of a problem. Analysis can be achieved through the data and usually you have a strong sense as to what the problem is. Take as much data as you possibly can to verify your assumptions.
Thanks for reading my interview with Mr. Darmawan Nugroho as a part of our leadership interview session. My next interview will be Ms. Ita Saronika Bulang, QC Manager of PT Tekenomiks Indonesia. I hope you enjoyed your reading and see you at the next interview!!
#OilAnalysis #ConditionMonitoring #FailureAnalysis
Click here to download this release as a pdf file
To enquire about Failure Analysis please contact Darmawan Nugroho, email, or visit
For media enquiries please contact Brooke Tolar, DragonFly Public Relations on T: 0411 553 246 or e-mail:
Techenomics has distributed specialty lubricants to the mining industry throughout Australia and Indonesia for more than 20 years with the business steadily growing into other parts of the world. In 1988, Techenomics introduced proactive condition monitoring and fluid management services.
Today, Techenomics focuses on its Total Fluid Management Services (TFMS), operating ISO 9001 accredited laboratories and consulting services. These laboratories all conduct lubricant analysis on used oils and greases, and analysis of wear debris. TFMS is operated by site-based teams who establish and maintain condition monitoring programs, and manage the total lubricant cycle at the clients’ facilities.
Techenomics’ consulting services focus on tribology; lubrication practices, product application, component wear, lubrication management and training programs. Its engineers design and builds unique solutions to improve component life. Its training programs are not generic programs, they are custom developed for clients and aim to eliminate customers’ specific problems and are always results-orientated. These consulting services are often used in continuous improvement programs.
Techenomics’ lubrication and fuel services reduce maintenance costs for mobile and fixed plant equipment, irrespective of the industry