Progress on Mongolian Project

Jun 18, 2012 | News, Press Release, Techenomics Mongolia

It is now two weeks or so since we saw you at our Future Mongolian Exhibition booth and hopefully created a bond of friendship that will last until our next meeting. We were very pleased with the outcome of the exhibition as we received well over 100 serious visitors out of which we believe that many new opportunities will develop.

Our progress in getting established in Ulaanbaatar is steady although slower than we would like. We are still awaiting the completion of our business registration. We have appointed Anuu (Bazar Mandy ) as our first Mongolian employee, she joined us on the 28th of May and will assist with the establishment of the laboratory and customer relations. I’m sure that many of you will remember our beautiful female members of staff and in particular Tuul Tomorok and Tsatsa who toiled enthusiastically in providing you with information on our services and in particular oil analysis.

We are pleased to say that you will be seeing more of Tuul who has agreed to join us as a brand ambassador. Tuul is a professional Mongolian model who will commence a degree in IT during the next semester.

Our laboratory will open initially with the capability to do a full range of oil analysis tests for engine oil, all other lubricated compartments and hydraulic oil. We will be capable of providing a few other services such as on line vibration analysis for fixed plant and selected specialty lubricants such as wire rope lubes and drill pipe greases.

We look forward to meeting you all again soon and providing you with a high quality service with regard to oil analysis and other condition monitoring and lubrication issues.

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