Results on the Mitsubishi Canter have come back at an 8% reduction, our estimates where very close at 7%. Not only have we seen an improvement on fuel reduction but also on the Oil Analysis results, the last analysis results have shown lower soot, oxidation, Iron and PQ90 levels, this is impressive, not only will be lower costs on our fuel usage but also decrease maintenance costs.
If you had a Cat 789C rear dump, and you refuelled it with 3000Litres, at a cost of $1.25 per litre, that cost would be $3,750, on average the 789C uses 100 litres and hour, the tank of fuel would give you a total of 30 hour operating time.
Now if you where then to add Oscar Fuel Conditioner at a ratio of 2000/1, the OSCAR costs you say $30 litre, then your total costs would be $3,795, with an 8% fuel reduction, that would give you an operating time of 32.6 hours, this is equivalent to a fuel savings of $325.00 on a single tank of fuel.
Defiantly worth considering, especially given the fact that the OSCAR also lowers soot and other abrasive materials in your engine.
Another point would be lower emissions; this is also another benefit that you can’t place a value on.
Don’t forget to view the video on YouTube.