Techenomics International has commenced the chemical cleaning and hydraulic flushing of the hydraulic lines on the first of 14 coal barges that will operate in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The barges which have been built in Batam, Indonesia will be used to transfer coal from on shore stock piles to bulk tankers for export from Indonesia to Asia.
All hydraulic lines will be pigged and chemically cleaned before flushing commences.
Samples of Hydraulic oil will be analysed to certify that the lines have been cleaned to NAS 7.
The certification will cover water content, viscosity and ISO cleanliness. All results will be reported and listed on Blue Oceans.
Techenomics International will supply an oil skid to filter and flush contaminants to less than Cleanliness of NAS 7.
This work will require the services of a number of full time technicians to operate the oil skid , treat the oil through a filtration process, carry out the analysis for viscosity, water content, ISO Cleanliness and dispense into collector tank for refurbishment.