Mining Companies spend hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars on the maintenance of their mining equipment. But what if you could prevent a lot of these maintenance costs, extend the life of your equipment, lower unscheduled downtime and save your company money.
Techenomics International can do just that. Techenomics International is a lubrication and condition monitoring specialist who offer preventative maintenance tools to the mining industry.
Proving successful and very much in demand, Techenomics, who operate throughout Australia, Asia and in Madagascar, have weathered the global financial crisis.
“Over the past few years Techenomics has tripled in size on the back of strong growth in Borneo and consolidation in the Hunter Valley. Techenomics have opened offices in Madagascar, Laos, Bangkok, Shanghai and Batam and new laboratories in Bangkok and Balikpapan” explains Chris Adsett, Techenomics CEO.
Techenomics offer condition monitoring services which include oil analysis, magnetic plug inspections, and lubrication and filtration solutions to fixed and mobile plants, all of which can significantly extend the life of your equipment, lower unscheduled downtime and most importantly decrease costs.
This year Techenomics also launched the first fully integrated condition monitoring software package, Blue Oceans.
“The software was designed to allow maintenance personnel to schedule and record maintenance for their equipment including recording all oil analysis, lubricant and fuel usage and monitoring wear on magnetic plugs and rear dump trays. “ Explains Jason Davis New Product Manager, Techenomics International.
Clients using Blue Oceans will be able to trend, create limits, and customise their data on all condition monitoring analysis results. Non-services customers are able to create and integrate data obtained from their existing oil analysis provider and other condition monitoring programmes into their own unique modules and formats for equipment trending.
Only this month Techenomics added the static wear tray module to the software program. The tools and functions that are built into the static wear tray module are very unique as the program has been designed to predict failures before they occur. The software functions utilize Microsoft technologies to enable this precision software to predict the future.